Applied Arts & Design

School of Design and Applied Arts

Reem Al Zamel

Head of School

Message from HOS

Welcome to Box Hill College Kuwait and the School of Design and Applied Arts. The department offers the College’s General Education program and excellent undergraduate program leading to Diplomas in the fields of graphic design, interior design and website development.

Design and Applied Arts programs provide students with a mix of artistic and technical knowledge to be used in today’s competitive design careers. Successful graduates may start their own businesses, work on their own as freelancers or join established companies. The flexibility of a Design and Applied Arts diploma or Degree draws many to the industry, and traditionally needs a strong portfolio to stand out among the crowd. The  School of Design and Applied Arts is a dynamic collective of innovative and talented staff working on the cutting edge of design, technology and arts practice. Our faculty consists of dedicated professionals with many years of experience, both as practitioners in their fields and as instructors keen to guide and assist you in your endeavors. Graduating students may find employment in areas as diverse as graphic art, interior design, web design and development, multimedia and Management Information Systems. Graduates may also choose to seek further study. On behalf of the faculty and staff of the department, I welcome you into the exciting and innovative area of design and wish you all the best in your studies.

Design and Applied Arts Programs

Unlike training strictly in the fine arts, Design and Applied Arts programs provide students with a mix of artistic and technical knowledge to be used in today’s competitive design careers. Successful graduates may start their own businesses, work on their own as freelancers or join established companies. The flexibility of a Design and Applied Arts diploma or Degree draws many to the industry, and traditionally needs a strong portfolio to stand out among the crowd.

The School of Design and Applied Arts is a dynamic collective of innovative and talented staff working on the cutting edge of design, technology and arts practice. Our faculty consists of dedicated professionals with many years of experience, both as practitioners in their fields and as instructors keen to guide and assist you in your endeavors. Graduating students may find employment in areas as diverse as graphic art, interior design, web design and development, multimedia and Management Information Systems. Graduates may also choose to seek further study.

Diploma Programs

(2 years full time)

ICT50615 – Diploma of Website Development *

* This program doesn’t have a corresponding code at Box Hill Institute – Australia but is still recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education in the State of Kuwait.

CUA50720 – Diploma of Graphic Design

MSF50218 – Diploma of Interior Design**

** Note that this qualification is recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education in the State of Kuwait as a “Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration”.

Admissions Requirements for Diploma Programs

Year 12 graduate or equivalent

Submission of proof of result for a TOEFL score of 500 or an IELTS score of 5.0


Completion of Level 2 in the Intensive English Program at Box Hill College Kuwait


Passing of BHCK Entrance test with a score for direct entry into mainstream courses.

Awards and Recognition

Diplomas are awarded for students who have completed the full study plan of the designated program and have achieved a GPA of 2.0 or more. Credits transferred from other institutions are not used in computing a student’s GPA but may be accepted towards a Diploma. A Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) process is also available under the same conditions as Credit transfer. Ask the Admissions staff about these processes.
All training and assessment is provided on behalf of the Box Hill Institute (BHI), Melbourne Australia and qualifications are awarded by BHI, accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework. All diplomas carry international, as well as local recognition by the Kuwait Private Universities Council and Ministry of Higher Education.


Your qualifications will be recognised locally under the Private University Council (PUC) – Ministry of Higher Education and internationally under the Australian Skills Quality Authority(ASQA).