Message from Chairman of Board of Trustees

Message from Chairman of Board of Trustees

Welcome to Box Hill College Kuwait!

As a person pursing her higher education, you are about to become part of prestigious group that have and will continue to work toward change and betterment of Kuwait society. Whether you are seeking to improve your employability skills and qualifications or pursue an academic pathway to undergraduate and graduate degree programs, Box Hill College Kuwait  is the right choice for you.

As the college’s chairman of board of trustees, it is important to me to support the college’s efforts to expand and improve the quality of education for all students.  Beyond that, I will continue to support and encourage the many life-enriching events, activities, and programs at BHCK which provide you with a well-rounded educational experience. It is our commitment to provide students with an experience of growth, change and opportunity – the opportunity to learn new things, meet new people, exchange ideas and debate issues.

The information on this web site and the supporting publications within will help you plan for and achieve your educational goals – no matter what they may be.

I wish you much success as you work toward your future.


Chairman – Board of Trustees