Vision & Mission
BHCK Vision
“Box Hill College to be a leading provider of quality higher education in the State of Kuwait.”
BHCK Mission
“Box Hill College Kuwait is committed to creating a quality learning environment for students that provides the opportunity to acquire necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the local job market, or to pursue further tertiary education pathways”.
Box Hill College’s Guiding Principles
Box Hill College is committed to continuing its pursuit of higher quality in tertiary education in the State of Kuwait.
Box Hill College is committed to the culture of continuous improvement and to seeking specialized accreditation from reputed international accreditation agencies.
Box Hill College is committed to currency of its academic programs, quality improvement in teaching, relevance of research and active involvement with the Kuwait community.
Box Hill College plays a key role in attracting and preparing students to be professionals and to acquire skills that allow them to serve the Kuwaiti economy.
Box Hill College plays an effective role in preparing students to acquire skills that allow them to successfully pursue further tertiary education pathways.
Box Hill College is aware of the growth in the number of private universities offering in Kuwait and in the region, and it strives to build up viable comparative advantages in the face of increasing competition.
BHCK is committed to evolving into a regional attractive tertiary education institution for students. As a private college, BHCK will continue to develop sound financial strategies to support its academic programs, initiatives, and other academic activities.
BHCK Motto
“Knowledge & Skills – Building a Future”